Michelle Obama received a rapturous round of applause as she arrived at Oxford University’s Christ Church college yesterday to meet a group of schoolgirls from an inner-city secondary school. The solo visit by the President’s wife was arranged at her suggestion to help encourage the pupils from Elizabeth Garrett Anderson school in North London to think about studying for a degree.The First Lady had visited the school two years ago and has kept in touch ever since, writing letters and encouraging the girls in their studies。
The 37 girls present were specially picked because they are interested in science and need help to reach their full potential. Dressed in black trousers, a long white Alexander McQueen jacket worth ?600 and a ?500 gold and white McQueen belt, Mrs Obama was greeted like an old friend as she entered the college’s dining room. The girls sat at two long tables to listen to her remarks, in a scene that will be familiar to fans of the Harry Potter films – the dining room was used as the set for the Grand Hall at Hogwarts in the movies. In a question and answer session with the pupils, Mrs Obama, who is a mother of two girls, spoke on everything from bringing up children in the White House to when there will be a female U.S. president。
2011-05-27 08:00 浏览:
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