Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,
You are gathered here this evening by the beautiful Huangpu River for APEC CEO Summit 2001. On behalf of the Chinese Government and people as well as in my own name, I would like first to extend a warm welcome to you all.
I have attended many sessions of the APEC CEO Summit to discuss the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation and development with business leaders in the region. This time, APEC CEO Summit 2001 Shanghai is devoted to New Century, New Economy: Developing in a Globalizing World, which is of great significance. At the last APEC CEO Summit in Brunei, I made some observations on the New Economy and economic globalization. Today I wish to further elaborate on this subject.
Mankind has entered a new century. This is not merely a chronological change. It marks a new era of economic development and social advancement for the international community. This new era distinguishes itself from others by a growing trend towards a multi-polar world and economic globalization, and, particularly, by the rapid progress in science and technology. All these have laid unprecedented material and technological conditions for continued economic and social progress worldwide and promise a broad prospect.
The scientific and technological progress is bringing a profound impact on economic, political and cultural life of all human societies. To develop the New Economy, we must not only update our economy with advanced science and technology, but also, in response to this new trend of development, revamp the economic structures, systems and mechanisms accordingly, readjust the economic relationships between states and between enterprises, and update our philosophies and concepts for economic and technological cooperation across national boundaries.
The past one hundred years and more have witnessed considerable expansion of global productive forces, unprecedented achievements in the production of both material and spiritual wealth and significant improvement in the living conditions of mankind. It must be noted, however, that in spite of rapid advancement of productive forces and science and technology worldwide, development has all along remained uneven and, what is more, the North-South gap has kept widening instead of narrowing. Poverty and hunger have been a commonplace in developing countries. People are still plagued by regional conflicts, environmental degradation and transnational crimes, among others. The development of high-tech industries is faced with some problems, such as relatively insufficient effective demand. All this shows that in order to ensure that all peoples in the world benefit from the progress of the productive forces and, particularly, of science and technology, and achieve common development, it is imperative to reform and renovate the economic systems, structures and mechanisms while developing new technologies and new industries.
In this connection, the key lies in a full implementation of the spirit of development through multilateral cooperation in world economic affairs. All countries or regions, regardless of ethnicity, history, culture, social system and level of economic development, should respect each other, seek common ground while setting aside differences, learn from each other to offset their own weakness, coexist peacefully, work for the establishment of a new, fair and rational international political and economic order and strive for common growth and prosperity through consultations and cooperation. Here in lies not only the fundamental solution to the problems in the world economic development, but also an essential condition for development of the New Economy in the new century.
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